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Community nursing dissertation topics

Community Nursing Dissertation Topics

  • Ways to deal with the psychiatric patients.Ways to keep a control on the infectious diseases of the patients.
  • Things to keep in mind while designating the nursing staff to critical care wards.
  • Stress prevention methods and programs for the patients who needs critical inspection.
  • Problems faced by the critical care nurses in the UK
  • How a health plan must be formulated to help and support the patients afflicted by acute illness.
  • Ways to meet the nutritional needs of the school-goers.
  • Things to consider while meeting the needs of the patients with mental disorders living in the community.
  • Role of the community health centers in the UK.
  • How community nurses handle the middle-aged and elderly citizens?
  • Health awareness programs through community nursing.
  • Assessment of nutritional requirements in school going children
  • Collaborative roles of medical practitioners, nurses and specialists in the development of a community healthcare centre
  • Community nursing plan for the treatment of patients suffering from chronic illness
  • Evaluation of community nursing services available for neonatal care and expectant mothers
  • Health promotion in developing countries through community nursing
  • Role of community nursing in improving the quality life of elderly patients
  • Things to consider while preparing proposal for a community healthcare centre
  • Drug consumption and binge drinking are the causes of mental illness amongst youth.
  • Efficacious methods to manage the schizophrenic patients.
  • Mental illness cases that arise from the relationship concerns.
  • The challenges faced by the nurses who handle patients suffering from depression.
  • Ways to maintain proper mental health interventions.

Public Health Dissertation Topic in Nursing

  • Importance of public health promotion campaigns in the UK.
  • Over drinking habits are destroying the public health. Ways to control it.
  • Study of public health reasons and concerns.
  • Ways to control the consumption of contaminated water in the under-developed countries.

Community nursing dissertation topics

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