HR managers need to understand the importance of employees having fun while at work. Many organizations are highly task oriented and forget the importance of being relationship oriented. Hallowell (2011) explains, “One way you can tell if your employees are in alignment with the Cycle of Excellence is to see if they are having fun” (p. 47). For example, some modern managers see the value of having fun at work or even taking time off from work to just relax and reflect. For example, Bill Gates is famous “for taking seven days off, twice a year, in a secluded cabin where he reads, drinks diet Orange Crush, and thinks” (p. 131).

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Hallowell (2011) provides the following recommendation for managers, “Consider having a goofy day of some sort now and then. It must conform to the basic rules and values of your organization’s culture, of course. But make it fun” (p. 129). By having a goofy day at work or dressing up for certain holidays, employees are able to have some fun, which also relieves stress. Hallowell (2011) explains, “Effective management limits bad stress as much as possible, while promoting good stress in the form of surmountable challenges” (p. 143). Effective managers also understand the importance of recognizing employees for their daily contributions. Hallowell (2011) states, “Recognition is so powerful because it answers a fundamental human need, the need to feel valued for what we do. Managers are in a unique position to offer—or withhold—such recognition, and with it, the feeling of being valued” (p. 162). Hallowell (2011) provides a unique example from Harvard University that reinforces the importance and significance of recognizing all employees and not just the popular ones. Hallowell (2011) explains,

To celebrate those who worked in nonacademic jobs, an outside group helped create an event called “Harvard Heroes.” It was a phenomenal success until it was discontinued for budgetary reasons in 2009. Once a year, exactly one week after Harvard University’s commencement ceremonies, the university held a parallel ceremony to honor selected employees who had gone above and beyond everyday achievement in their work (pp. 168-169).

The “Harvard Heroes” example depicts the importance of recognizing the employees who are at times, behind the scenes. According to Hallowell (2011), the five steps to igniting peak performance in an organization is called the Cycle of Excellence (pp. 6-7):

Step 1—Select: Putting people into the right jobs so that their brains light up.

Step 2—Connect: Overcoming the potent forces that disconnect people in the workplace both from each other and from the mission of the organization, and restoring the force of positive connection, which is the most powerful fuel for peak performance.

Step 3—Play: Play, or imaginative engagement, catalyzes advanced work, and managers can help people tap into this phenomenally productive yet undervalued activity of the mind.

Step 4—Grapple and grow: Managers can create conditions where people want to work hard, and employees making progress at a task that is challenging and important turns ordinary performers into superstars and increases commitment.

Step 5—Shine: Doing well—shining—feels good, so giving recognition and noticing when a person shines is critical, and a culture that helps people shine inevitably becomes a culture of self-perpetuating excellence.

The five steps of the Cycle of Excellence provide a novel approach to maximizing peak performance.

Reference: Hallowell, E.M. (2011). Shine: Using Brain Science to Get the Best From Your People.Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review. (This book is not required).

Case Assignment

Drawing on the material in the background readings and doing additional research, please prepare a 3-5 page paper (not including the cover and reference pages) in which you:

  • Analyze the five steps of the cycle of excellence and discuss the added value of using the cycle of excellence.
  • Which step is the most important and which step is the least important?
  • Critique Hallowell’s cycle of excellence and then create your own cycle of excellence. Discuss how your cycle of excellence is the optimum approach for managing human capital.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated on the following points:

  • Precision: Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
  • Clarity: Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are responses made through paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts? (Or is there excessive use of quotations?) Are headings included in all papers longer than 2 pages?
  • Breadth: Is the full breadth of the subject addressed?
  • Depth: Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth?
  • Grammar, spelling, and vocabulary: Is the paper well-written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary suitable to graduate-level work?
  • Referencing (citations and references): Does the paper use citations and quotation marks when appropriate?
  • Critical thinking: Is the subject thought about critically, i.e., accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely?

Assignment Expectations (Structure)

  1. Make sure that you use your own language (rather than copying sentences from the article).
  2. Your paper will be graded based on the following criteria: Precision, Clarity, Breadth, Depth, Grammar/Vocabulary, Referencing, and Application.
  3. Use 12-point type size (Times New Roman), double-spacing, and one-inch margins. Add a cover page and a references list.
  4. Cite your sources: APA Style – Trident requires all PhD work to be in APA form. We also encourage all other students to comply with guidelines for proper citation of references. You may use the tutorial found on the following link (press “view the tutorial”):

Peak Performance

HR Functions

Human resource management has seven vital functions that are connected to each other. The seven different functions are:

After doing some research on the different HR functions, discuss the three most important functions based upon your experiences, research. Please make sure to justify why you chose the three functions that you did and how you three functions can help an organization progress.

This assignment is a Signature Assignment that will be used for specific assessment purposes.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be short (2-3 pages, not including the cover sheet, references, and assessment sheet) and to the point. You are expected to deal with these issues in an integrated fashion, rather than treating them as a series of individual questions to be answered one by one and left at that.

You will be particularly assessed on:

  • Your completion of all the steps in the exercise.
  • Your ability to synthesize information and present a concise and meaningful paper.
  • The clarity and quality of your writing.

SLP Assignment Expectations (Structure)

  1. Make sure that you use your own language (rather than copying sentences from the article).
  2. Your paper will be graded based on the following criteria: Precision, Clarity, Breadth, Depth, Grammar/Vocabulary, Referencing, and Application.
  3. Use 12-point type size (Times New Roman), double-spacing, and one-inch margins. Add a cover page and a references list.