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Healthcare Research Paper Topics

Healthcare Research Paper Topics

The process of writing the healthcare research paper is usually a time consuming task, so it is essential to select a topic that is researchable and is able to sustain your interest for the duration of the project. In addition, it is important to select a topic that is relevant to your life since you will spend a lot of time outlining, researching, and writing about it.

We compiled an exhaustive list of healthcare research topic suggestions that would make excellent research papers. The topics are organized to assist you identify one that will work for your project.

 Healthcare Research Paper Topics

  • Ambient Air Pollution and Lung Cancer Risk in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study
  • Analysis of an Intervention to Reduce Truck Drivers’ Exposure to Whole Body Vibration
  • Appropriate physical education activities for children with Down Syndrome
  • Are we taking it too far by blaming fast food restaurants for obesity? When is it individual responsibility and when is it appropriate to place blame?
  • Are whole grain cereals preventative for cardiovascular disease?
  • Best practices for eating disorder screenings
  • Communications devices for children with autism
  • Comparison of two or more topical agents for effectiveness in reducing Pruriceptive pruritis
  • Coping strategies for sensory issues
  • Investigate the success ratio of holistic and non-medical cancer treatments.
  • Is Alzheimer’s inevitable? Examine theories regarding its prevention.
  • Is mirror therapy effective for brain-injured or stroke patients with partial paralysis or gait disorders?

Primary Health Care Research Topics

  • Cost benefits analysis of mobile testing clinics
  • Cultural concerns related to HIV testing
  • Dealing with Depression: A Commonsense Guide to Mood Disorders
  • Define health informatics
  • Dental care for infants
  • Diabetes outreach and education
  • Dialogues with Forgotten Voices: Relational Perspectives on Child Abuse Trauma and Treatment of Dissociative Disorders
  • Do the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks?
  • Does an outdoor physical activity program improve the m.h. status of adults with clinical depression?

Research Topics in Healthcare Management

  • Does pet therapy provide benefits in social interaction and learning in children on the autistic disorder spectrum?
  • Eating disorders and adolescent males
  • Examine how congenital heart disease may be treated, and how it differs from other forms of heart disease.
  • Examine the modern history of viral epidemics, researching what is known about the emergence of deadly viruses.
  • Handbook of Chronic Depression: Diagnosis and Therapeutic Management
  • HCV infection in haemodialysis patients with end-stage renal disease, Ho Chi Min City
  • Heart disease and women
  • Heart disease prevention through diet
  • Heat stress, heat strain, and productivity in Washington State tree fruit harvesters
  • Helping younger patients with heart disease
  • HIPAA concerns related to health informatics
  • Homelessness and the AIDS epidemic

Healthcare Research Topics for College Students

  • How are compulsive behaviors determined as such? Explore examples of anal retention and expulsion, OCD, etc., as offering accepted criteria.
  • How does tobacco use affect the human body?
  • Improving peer relationships for children with autism
  • Including children with Down Syndrome in social activities
  • Inclusive Physical Education
  • Investigate differences in rates of injury recovery and overcoming illness based on cultural parameters.
  • Investigate Sociopathy, determine biological and psychological roots, typical patterns, and potentials of treatment.
  • Investigate the connections between emotional stability and physical well-being, and provide evidence as to how the two may be related.
  • Investigate the history and practice of electroshock, analyzing how and why this extreme treatment came to be widely used.
  • Healthcare Research Paper Topics
  • Healthcare Research Paper Topics

Medical Research Topics For Undergraduates

  • Is occasional depression a natural state to an extent, and is society too eager to treat this as a disorder?
  • Method Validation for Bacterial and Viral Analysis of Geoducks
  • Post-Traumatic Syndromes in Childhood and Adolescence: A Handbook of Research and Practice
  • Research and analyze the nature of codependency as both a normal state of relations and as an unhealthy extreme.
  • Research potential problems that arise in countries that treat symptoms rather than problems.
  • Research the negative effects that improper use and overuse of antibiotics has had on our country.
  • Research the negative role that a for-profit healthcare system plays on the economy of a country.
  • Research whether there is any impact caused by not letting health care companies compete for the highest quality/lowest price products and medicine. Use Denmark as an example of a company that does do this already.
  • School-based dental programs

Community Health Topics For Research

  • Should companies allow employees to exercise on work time?
  • Should parents avoid vaccinating their children?
  • Should there be a national database to track controlled substances (i.e., OXYCODONE) or should it be a state issue?
  • Should thin people have to pay Medicare and other health costs for the health problems of obese people? Should obese people have higher premiums?
  • Sleep and Parent-Family Connectedness: Links, Relationships and Implications for Adolescent Depression
  • Solutions to the problem of drug use in pregnancy
  • Techniques for reaching out to the addicted population

Public Health Topics For Research Paper

  • Technologies and approaches for the detection of communicable and non-communicable diseases in low-resource settings
  • The benefit of mainstreaming children with Down Syndrome
  • The benefits of clean needle programs
  • The benefits of decriminalizing drugs for public health

Medical Research Paper Topic Suggestions

  • The burden and prevention of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in the Australian hospital setting: Setting the scene for the introduction of a new vaccine.
  • The impact of ACA on dental care
  • The importance of accessible playgrounds
  • The importance of nutritional education in schools
  • The improvements in gathering health data due to informatics
  • The Psychological Effects of War and Violence on Children
  • The relationship between weight and heart disease
  • The Trauma of Terrorism: Helping Children Cope. (Teaching about Tragedy)(Cover Story)
  • The viability of walk-in dental clinics
  • Treatment methodologies for adults with eating disorders
  • Ways in which outreach workers can utilize health informatics
  • What are common risk factors for ankle sprains in adult athletes?
  • What are some common sleep disorders and how are they treated?
  • What are the benefits and hazards of medical marijuana?
  • What are the effects of prolonged steroid use on the human body?

Healthcare Management Research Paper Topics

  • What are the most prevalent post-hurricane health needs of elderly Florida residents with chronic health conditions?
  • What are the primary types of cancer, and in what ways are they related?
  • What are the risks of artificial tanning or prolonged exposure to the sun?
  • What Drives a Teenager to Depression? an Insider’s Sociological Look into Its Causes Melissa Mejia
  • What forms of physical degeneracy are seen as linked to aging?
  • Wound care techniques
  • Healthcare Research Paper Topics
  • Healthcare Research Paper Topics

Read more on: Children Health Nursing Dissertation Topics and Free Nursing Dissertation Topics

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