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Which of the following statements

Which of the following statements concerning the rational and emotional aspects of leadership is false?

Which of the following statements concerning the rational and emotional aspects of leadership is false?
Leaders can use rational techniques and/or emotional appeals in order to influence followers
Leadership includes actions and influences based only on reason and logic
Aroused feelings can be used either positively or negatively
Good leadership involves touching others’feelings
2. To many, the word management suggests
3. According to the text, leadership is often more associated with
4. This is a conventional distinction made between managers and leaders.
Managers maintain while leaders develop
Managers innovate while leaders administer
Managers inspire while leaders control
Managers originate while leaders imitate
5. Which of the following statements about leaders versus managers is false?
Leadership is a value-laden, activity, management is not
Leaders focus on risk taking; managers perform functions such as planning and controlling
Leaders are thought to do things right, managers do the right things
Leaders develop, managers maintain

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6. According to the text, which of the following statements is true?
Leadership and management have some unique functions with an area of overlap
A good leader can be a good manager, but the reverse is never true
Leadership and management are not related
Leadership and management are effectively the same for all practical purposes
7. What best describes the leader-follower relationship?
The relationship is a one-way street
Leadership and followership are the same thing
Leadership and followership merge and are linked concepts
It is based on the idea of’one-man leadership’
Ideal leaders according to a survey were commonly characterized as all of the following except
According to a survey research by Judith Rosener, in terms of their leadership experiences,
Women tended to describe themselves in transactional terms
Men tended to describe themselves in somewhat transformational terms
Men influenced others primarily in terms of personal characteristics
Women helped subordinates develop commitment for broader goals than their own self-interest
What term did Rosener coin to describe how some women leaders encouraged participation and shared power and information, but went far beyond what is commonly thought of as participative management?
Autocratic leadership
Laissez faire leadership
Interactive leadership
Transactional leadership

11. Women leaders’ interactive leadership style developed
Due to their socialization experiences and career paths
Because of exchanges with subordinates for services rendered
By influencing others primarily through their organizational position and authority
Because of their organizational position
12. According to female executives, what is the major factor that prevents senior female executives from advancing to corporate leadership?
Lack of significant general management
Male stereotyping and preconceptions
Inhospitable corporate culture
Exclusion from informal networks
13. According to female executives. which of the following factors least prevents women from advancing to corporate leadership?
Women not being in the pipeline long enough
Exclusion from informal networks
Inhospitable corporate culture
Lack of significant line experience
Most male CEOs attribute the paucity of women in corporate leadership roles to which of the following?
Exclusion from informal networks
Women not in pipeline long enough
Male stereotyping and preconceptions
Inadequacies in the quality of experience for the top spots
According to a recent study, one of the general factors that explains the shift toward more women leaders is that women themselves have changed. It is evident in all except:
A trend toward less stereotypically masculine characterizations of leadership
Women’s aspirations and attitudes have become less similar to those of men over time
A legislation prohibiting gender-based discrimination at work
Changes in organizational norms that put a higher priority on results than an “old boy” network

The symbolic message often intended by appointment of women to important leadership positions is evidence of the fact that
Culture has changed
Women themselves have changed
Leadership roles have changed
Organizational practices have changed
Which of the following statements concerning the reflection component of the AOR model is false?
Leaders are always aware of the value of reflection in leadership development
It is the most neglected component of the AOR model
It can provide leaders with a variety of insights into how to frame problems differently
A reason for the reflection component to be neglected often may be due to time pressure at work
What describes a kind of learning between the individual and the environment in which learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions?
Double loop learning
Triple-loop learning
Single-loop learning
Confronting one’s beliefs, inviting others to challenge you and working on personal blind spots are aspects of the process of
Double-loop learning
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Single-loop learning
20. Mastering __ can be thought of as learning how to learn.
Double-loop learning
Single-loop learning
Triple-loop learning

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
Why is it extremely important to develop good competency models for critical leadership positions?
Because they become the framework around which all human resource systems are aligned
To ensure an organization’s selection process is hiring candidates with the right skills
Because they can develop well-researched processes for promoting leadership talent
To clarify an organization’s strategy for the next 5-10 years
Adopting valid and well-researched processes for hiring, developing or promoting leadership talent is necessary for developing
A good competency model
A good leadership talent management system
A critical leadership position
A performance appraisal system
3. What are the leading causes of managerial incompetence?
Poor relationships with subordinates
Poor performance
Poor promotion decisions
Poor talent management practices
Which of the following assessment techniques is a very poor predictor of leadership effectiveness?
Job simulation
Personality test
Job knowledge test
Application blank
This is the best and most valid assessment technique for making leadership hiring decisions.
Reference check
Work sample/skill test
Application blank
Unstructured interview

In —-1 applicants are put through a series of leadership potential assessment techniques and only the applicants who “pass” one assessment are allowed to move on to the next.
Compensatory approach
Qualitative approach
Multiple hurdles approach
Quantitative approach
7. The interviewers asks the leaders a predetermined set of questions in
Panel interviews
Structured interviews
Semi-structured interviews
Unstructured interviews
8. In structured interviews
It is difficult to compare the results of interviews from different leaders
The interviewer has the latitude to allow the interview to proceed in whatever direction seems appropriate
The common set of questions make it much easier to compare different leaders’ skills
The interviewer does not follow a predetermined set of questions
The ability to control others through the fear of punishment or the loss of valued outcomes is
Expert power
Reward power
Legitimate power
Coercive power
10. Policemen giving tickets for speeding is an example of
Legitimate power
Reward power
Coercive power
Expert power


Followers are more likely to use __ power to change their leader’s behavior if they have a relatively high amount of referent power with their fellow co-workers.
Research findings by French and Raven generally indicates that leaders who relied primarily on __ and __ power had subordinates who were more motivated and satisfied, were absent less and performed better.
Referent; expert
Coercive; referent
Expert; reward
Reward; legitimate
Which of the following statements concerning power and influence is incorrect?
Effective leaders typically take advantage of all their sources of power
Leaders in well-functioning firms are not influenced by their subordinates
Leaders vary in the extent to which they share power with subordinates
Effective leaders generally work to increase their various power bases
__ is exercised in the service of higher goals to others or organizations and often involves self-sacrifice toward those ends.
Personalized power
Socialized power
Influence tactics
15. The Thematic Apperception Test is a(n)
Neuropsychological test
Personality inventory
Intelligence test
Projective personality test

The need for power has been found to be positively related to all the following leadership effectiveness criteria, except
Success of nontechnical managers
Success of technical managers
Managers’ performance ratings
Managers’ promotion rates
As a group, this generation of workers tends to be technologically savvy, independent and skeptical of institutions and hierarchy.
The Nexters
The Veterans
The Baby Boomers
The Gen Xers
18. The generation of workers born after 1980 are called the
Gen Xers
Baby Boomers
19. Gen Xers define leadership as
Giving employees what they need to work well and comfortably
Sitting in meetings and making profound vision statements
Creating a level playing field for all
Being critical and patronizing of employees
20. Prophet generations
Are born during a great war
Were born during a cultural renewal
Are born after a spiritual awakening
Were born after a great war
These generational archetypes are born when social idealism and spiritual agendas among the young foster a revolt against the established institutiona I order.
Prophet generations
Nomad generations
Hero generations
Artist generations

These generational archetypes are born after a spiritual awakening, leading to a time of individual pragmatism and national chauvinism.
Prophet generations
Nomad generations
Hero generations
Artist generations
23. Artist generations
Are born after a spiritual awakening
Were born after a great crisis
Were born during a cultural renewal
Are born during a great crisis
24. Boomers in middle age are
A prophet generation
A hero generation
A nomad generation
An artist generation
25. Nexters are
An artist generation
A hero generation
A nomad generation
A prophet generation

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